Unbound and RPZ

Francis Turner francis at threatstop.com
Mon Dec 18 09:08:08 UTC 2023

Hi Everyone,

I'm a brand new user of the mailing list. I work for ThreatSTOP which makes RPZ's available on a variety of DNS platforms.

Recently we've been asked to support unbound.

Several years ago I looked at this and, at the time, there was no way to use a TSIG key to secure zone transfers and looking at the documentation today that seems to still be the case.

I have an ubuntu based example server running that I am able to get RPZ into by means of an external shell script that does a dig and sed pipeline. Is this the preferred method? And/or has someone got clear documentation on how to do this better?

I will be happy to contribute my example configs (and RPZ update script) back to the project if there are no better ones around.

I have two questions, assuming that the shell script method is the correct approach

  1.  Once I have updated the rpz zonefile, should I use "unbound-control reload" to get the new RPZ in or is there a better alternative (auth_zone_reload )?
  2.  I think I'm correct that unbound-control log_reopen should be called in the postrotate stanza of a logroate.d config ?

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance


Francis Turner
Threat STOP Global SE
JP Cell: +81-8080404701 | US Cell: +1-760-402-7676
Office: +1-760-542-1550 | Line: francisturner
francis at threatstop.com<mailto:francis at threatstop.com> | www.threatstop.com<http://www.threatstop.com/>
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