Unbound 1.19.3rc1 pre-release

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Tue Mar 12 21:17:53 UTC 2024

Am 11.03.24 um 19:16 schrieb A. Schulze via Unbound-users:
>> Unbound 1.19.3rc1 pre-release is available:
> forgot to mention: 1.18.3rc1 is running here since then without noise or trouble ...

well, just noticed strange logging.

- I've enabled "log-destaddr: yes"
- unbound listen on a specific IPv4 and IPv6 address
- 'kdig -4 . @ipv4 SOA' produce expected logging like this:

reply: . SOA IN NOERROR 0.000000 1 92 on udp 53

- 'kdig -6 . @ipv6 SOA' produce this:

reply: 2001:db8::1 . SOA IN NOERROR 0.000000 1 92 on udp  53


reply: 2001:db8::1 . SOA IN NOERROR 0.000000 1 92 on udp . 53

or even

reply: 2001:db8::1 . SOA IN NOERROR 0.000000 1 92 on udp �7
                                                                                                                                < 53

looks like there will be an rc3?


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