Can unbound answer both DoH and DoT on the same port ?

Philip Homburg philip at
Thu Jan 11 19:58:10 UTC 2024

On 11/01/2024 19:26, Peter Hessler via Unbound-users wrote:
> :I wonder if unbound is flexible enough to discern that a request is either
> :DoH or DoT and then answer with the matching protocol ?
> :
> :Is that a silly idea ?
> :
> :
> :Thank you.
> :
> That isn't possible.  The clients would expect different behaviour than
> what the server is providing.

In theory it should be possible to run DoT and DoH on the same port. The 
reason is that HTTP/2 requires an ALPN with the string 'h2'.  The DoT 
RFC does not require a specific ALPN. But this should be enough. If the 
ALPN is h2, the server uses HTTP/2, for anything else, the server does DoT.

Note that at this time, unbound does not do this. However some proxies 
may be able to split TLS traffic based on ALPN.
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