Unbound python syntax error

Guillermo Narvaez guillermo.narvaez at internetparatodos.com.ar
Fri Oct 9 13:19:35 UTC 2020

Hello everyone!

For years I was using this incredible DNS server in the ISP where I work.
Now I need to do something more interesting like test the log.py in the
examples on lab server and that is when my issue becomes...

Just adding:

*module-config: "iterator python"python: python-script:

I get the following error:

*/var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf:18: error: syntax errorread
/var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf failed: 1 errors in configuration
file[1602249131] unbound-control[85017:0] fatal error: could not read
config file*

I was expecting a error with the script itself not with the configuration

Has anyone had that problem?
There is a kind of precedence of statements?

Thank you!

Guillermo Narvaez
NOC - Internet Para Todos
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