Unbound 1.13.0rc4 pre-release Sleep/Wake issue.

RayG rgsub1 at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 4 23:04:03 UTC 2020

Hi Wouter,


I think I have some thoughts on this issue. I had it happen again just
before writing this email.


It seems to happen after the system has been asleep for a long time, hours.


When it wakes up it cannot get its act together and everything fails.


I tried something tonight that resolved the problem:


Unbound_control.exe flush_infra all


This does something that causes unbound to sort itself out. And everything
works again.


Does this have something to do with time and DNSSEC or some other time
dependant requirement?


Hopefully you will be able to get something from the above and understand
what is going on.


This is a repeatable failure so long as you have a few hours to spare.


I have not yet tried to work out how long the system has to be asleep for,
this evening is was just about four hours.


Let me know if I can provide any further information.



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