can't bind socket: Permission denied for IPv6

nusenu nusenu-lists at
Sun Jun 24 11:12:00 UTC 2018


I've got the following intermittent socket bind errors in my log files:

error: can't bind socket: Permission denied for <IPv6 address>

Frequency: 1-3 per day

The config contains 10 specific IPv6 addresses and 4 IPv4
The errors show only IPv6 addresses (no IPv4).
The IPv6 addresses appear to work fine though.

The config also has:
prefer-ip6: yes

I found an old (from 2014) thread in the ML archive [1]
with a similar error but it did not include a solution for me.

This is unbound 1.7.2 on FreeBSD.

Any hints would be appreciated.
As a workaround I could disable the IPv6 'outgoing-interface'
configuration lines.

kind regards,


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