DGA Attack mitigation

Mahdi Adnan mahdi.adnan at outlook.com
Tue Apr 10 06:45:35 UTC 2018

Thank you all for your response,


Mahdi A. Mahdi

From: Paul Vixie <paul at redbarn.org>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 11:37 PM
To: Rainer Duffner
Cc: Mahdi Adnan; unbound-users at unbound.net
Subject: Re: DGA Attack mitigation

Rainer Duffner via Unbound-users wrote:
>> Am 09.04.2018 um 20:04 schrieb Mahdi Adnan via Unbound-users
>> <unbound-users at unbound.net <mailto:unbound-users at unbound.net>>:
>> Im running 20 Unbound servers and around 20% of response are NXDOMAIN,
>> for queries coming from my clients.
> Block those IPs that are obviously p4wned until they clean up their PCs?

the source addresses are forged. the victims are not unclean in any way.
this is why rrl exists.

-- P Vixie

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