[Unbound-users] Performance tuning tips?

Jaco Lesch jacol at saix.net
Thu Feb 7 12:45:27 UTC 2013


Thanks for your insight and feedback.

With the info/ideas from Andreas I have amended the parameters in the 
unbound.conf as follows:
         # Optimise settings
         num-threads: 64
         msg-cache-slabs: 64
         rrset-cache-slabs: 64
         infra-cache-slabs: 64
         key-cache-slabs: 64
         rrset-cache-size: 1024m
         msg-cache-size: 512m
         infra-cache-numhosts: 100000
         # Larger socket buffer
         # For Solaris 11 set the following UDP parameter 1st:
         # 'ipadm set-prop -p max_buf=8388608 udp'
         so-rcvbuf: 8m
         so-sndbuf: 8m
         outgoing-range: 32768
         num-queries-per-thread: 1024

This improved performance significantly with a jump from 3600 qps to 
6200 qps and the system was not sluggish with this "workload" at all. 
The magic seems to have been the combination of "outgoing-range" and 
"num-queries-per-thread", the system load did drop from 28 to around 21 
directly after this change.

I also did recompile with Wouter's suggestion of using only Solaris 
threads, but the gain was very little if any. Again this is something to 
keep in mind for the future? Also stayed with the 64 threads for now, 
but at a later stage will test again at a full 128 threads, when I feel 
brave again.


On 05/02/2013 15:04, lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de wrote:
> Zitat von Jaco Lesch <jacol at saix.net>:
>> Andreas
>> Here is some info regarding your questions:-
>> The portion of unbound.conf pertaining to the "HowTo Optimise":
>>         # Optimise settings
>>         num-threads: 112
>>         #
>>         msg-cache-slabs: 64
>>         rrset-cache-slabs: 64
>>         infra-cache-slabs: 64
>>         key-cache-slabs: 64
>>         rrset-cache-size: 1024m
>>         msg-cache-size: 512m
>>         infra-cache-numhosts: 100000
>>         #
>>         # Larger socket buffer
>>         # For Solaris 11 set the following UDP parameter 1st:
>>         # 'ipadm set-prop -p max_buf=8388608 udp'
>>         so-rcvbuf: 8m
>>         so-sndbuf: 8m
>>         #
>>         outgoing-range: 8192
>>         num-queries-per-thread: 4096
> Hmm, i would lower "num-queries-per-thread" or leave default and raise 
> the "outgoing-range" if the OS permits. From my knowledge the 
> outgoing-range limit the max. number of open sockets for upstream 
> queries and should be roughly num-threads * num-queries-per-thread, no?
> You could also try to lower the num-threads, maybe you have already 
> missed the sweet-point with best balance between concurrency and max 
> out the hardware.
> Regards
> Andreas
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Jaco Lesch
Email: jacol at saix.net

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